iPhone 7 Rumors, News and Release Date: Apple’s design change for the new iPhone 7 is actually true

By Ajay Kadkol - 11 May '16 10:02AM

Major decisions with a major challenge ahead if Apple had to retake their dominant spot. Apple recently saw a slump in their iPhone shipments. This resulted in a lot of shares going down at the Wall street. The numbersin terms of units sold were still pretty decent because they still managed to make millions in profits. Buthowever a threatening factor the Cupertino giants are undergoing is the fact that they are fragmenting its hardware innovations. Apple hardware never tends to fade off even in the rumor mills. Millions of Apple loyalists demand forthe latest and greatest iPhone every year. But this year, their concerns remain as to what they can expectin 2016.

But now, they are really concerned about the fact that of a CAD image render leak the size and shape of the new upcoming iPhone that Apple are about to bring hasn't seen a change even in mm of measurement. Everything apparently happens to remain the same. It is no doubt the most controversial hardware Apple had so far. As of now, it's just limited to dimensions only and there won't be any traditional hardware changes for the next "number" of the iPhone. This was the case previously since from 5/5s to 6/6s there were at least major changes visible in terms of how it was designed. This is now all shattered. This will now be the third generation of iPhones too look just like the iPhone 6.

There won't be dual-cameras after all. But however there will be some optical enhancements. The increased cut-out is larger than the 6S. This might reveal the fact that the extra space might actually be used up for individually larger pixels and of course a faster aperture. However, as usual their latest iPhones are the fastest and this has been proved time and again. This means that there won't be any surprises out of the box after all. But however, if you are planning to upgrade your iPhone wait for 2017 since that's when you can actually expect the best phones from Apple yet.

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