Pokémon' Nintendo 3DS News & Updates: Passwords to Download Legendary Bird Trio Available Soon

By Kanika Gupta - 09 May '16 15:45PM

According to recent news, Pokémon trainers in North America who have "Pokémon X," "Pokémon Y," "Pokémon Omega Ruby," and "Pokémon Alpha Sapphire" will be able to get their hands on the Legendary Bird trio. However, to be able to acquire the passwords, they need to be the members of Pokémon Trainer Club and will be sent passwords via email.

The fans that signed up for the newsletter by Apr. 22 will be the lucky ones to receive the Legendary Bird passwords. You can enter the code and make these creatures downloadable.

Articuno Legendary Bird Pokémon is an Ice and Flying-type creature that has the Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam, Snow Cloak hidden ability and Hail Moves. Moltres, on the other hand, has the Flame Body hidden Ability. Other moves include Sky Attack, Sunny Day, Heat Wave and Safeguard. Zapdos is an interesting Electric and Flying-Type Legendary Pokémon with Static Hidden Ability. It is also capable of unleashing Thunder Shock, Rain Dance, Discharge and Agility. 

These special Pokémon can be acquired by Nintendo 3DS players. These are Xerneas, Yveltal, rare Zygarde, and Darkrai, the dark-type Pokémon.

As per other reports, Xerneas will be easily available as an in-game download from May 11 to 17, 2016. Shiny Yveltal, on the other hand, will become available from May 20 to 28. Xerneas is available in "Pokémon X" and Yveltal can be obtained in "Pokémon Y." However, in the new release, they will be available in their shiny form, which many players are excited about. Zygarde will be available as a mystery gift that can be downloaded until May 8.

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