Clash of Clans Update News: Game Has More Surprises for Fans Including Faster Training Time, Spells and More

By Jenn Loro - 09 May '16 12:09PM

'Clash of Clans' fans are definitely going in for a treat after a recently announced May update by Supercell will include a slew of gaming enhancements like faster training and regeneration.

The latest update is reportedly Supercell's biggest makeover to date according to Gotta Be Mobile. As the report indicates, it is even larger than last year's December update that saw the addition of Town Hall 11. Neurogadget explains that the new update is intended 'to balance the changes and reduce the time' required for Clash of Clans features.

For the past few months, the highly popular game has been facing tons of disgruntled whining and complaints resulting to players quitting. With the update, the company hopes to reverse its declining popularity among its loyal gamers.

"We're looking to get players battling with full and well-balanced armies much more often than before. Waiting several hours for heavy armies will be a thing of the past. Army building boosts still provide a 4x speed boost atop this - blazing fast!" announced Supercell as quoted by Christian Daily.

As per iDigital Times, the Clash of Clans latest update will include a speedier regeneration, significantly reduced training time for the following: Dragon (2x), Golem (3x), Lava Hound (3x), Witch (2x), Wall Breaker (2x), and P.E.K.K.A (3x) units. Balloon, Wizard, Healer, Valkyrie and Bowler units will also come in with unspecified faster training time.

In addition, the brewing process will have twice speed of the current rate. Supercell is reportedly addressing the a number of army issue such as adding more initial attack speed and increasing matchmaking time from five to thirty minutes to help high-trophied players find opponents.

At the time of this writing, there hasn't been any negative feedback to the most recent CoC update. Supercell may have already made up for the lost months saw a stream of players leaving the game before the release CoC patch.

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