If You Are Dieting, Steer Clear from These ‘Healthy’ Foods

By Kanika Gupta - 08 May '16 05:45AM

Losing weight does not mean depleting your body of the necessary nutrients that it requires to function at its optimum level. You need to not only exercise but also eat health, nutritious food. However, diet experts have pit put together a list of foods that are considered healthy but are not nutritious at all.

Fruit Cocktail

No fruit cocktails are not as good as a fruit salad. Sugary syrups used in these cocktails are only piling up the calories that you are desperately trying to lose.

Canned/cold-pressed Juices

A New York based nutritionist, Natalie Rizzo, said that cold-pressed juices have high content of fruit and veggies. However, its high sugar content overpowers its goodness. Since the process of juicing breaks down pretty much all of its nutrition, there is no benefit in drinking these over fresh glass of juice.

Powdered Peanut Butter

Powdered peanut butter may be low fat but it also lacks all the nutrients that traditional peanut butter has.

Salad Dressings

Adding salad dressing is the worst thing you can do to your bowl of veggies. These dressings are high in additives and preservatives to enhance the taste of your vegetables. If you want to make the best of the vegetables you eat, sprinkle them with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar instead. You can also make your own dressing at home.


They appear healthy, they are made to look like that with its dry fruits, nuts and oats coating. This snack, however, is also stuffed with too much sugar and packed with extra calories. If you must eat granola, at least choose the one with low sugar and high fiber. 

Vegetable Pizza

Extra cheese on veg pizza is no better than the processed meat that you ate with the traditional meat pizza. To enhance the flavor of veggies, they even soak dried olives and tomatoes in olive oil.

Whole-wheat bread

Functional medical institute founders, Mark and Michele Sherwood, said that that whole wheat bread contains high glycemic index that causes blood sugar levels in your body to shoot up, leading to fat buildup and increased insulin response.

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