Kpop News: BIGBANG Members and VIP Fans celebrates Daesung’s Birthday

By Lord Justin Castillo - 26 Apr '16 09:43AM

Daesung of BIGBANG has added a new number to his age. On April 26, 1989, our Daesung came out of this world, born not just with a cute face but with a powerful voice. The idol turned 27 internationally and 28 in South Korean age.

The rest of the BIGBANG members also send their greetings to Daesung by sharing photos on their SNS account.

Taeyang shared a photo of Daesung with the caption, "Daesung Happy Birthday"

GDragon also shared a photo of Daesung on his account, sending his birthday greetings to him.

T.O.P shared a photo of a cuisine on his Instagram account. Most netizens think it is a secret message for Daesung and guessed it is an image of Daesung's face.

A photo posted by T.O.P (@choi_seung_hyun_tttop) on Apr 26, 2016 at 12:28am PDT

YG Entertainment also sends their greeting to Daesung

VIP's also celebrated the birth of the idol by sending their greetings with the hashtag #HappyDaesungDay and came out to be on trend worldwide.

#HappyDaesungDay #Daesung #Bigbang More on Follow on Twitter @ BigBangLives Cr logo

A video posted by !BIGBANG MADE (@bigbanglive) on Apr 25, 2016 at 8:45pm PDT

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