Emma Watson News: Harry Potter Star Agrees To Beatbox With Hamilton Star For Gender Equailty (VIDEO)

By Staff Reporter - 18 Mar '16 11:49AM

Emma Watson and Lin-Manuel made a last-minute collaboration on this epic freestyle beatbox.

The two had met for an hour-long interview partnered by U.N Women's HeforShe campaign, an organization advocating for gender equality.

The U.N. women's goodwill ambassador first asked the "Hamilton" star if he could freestyle and in turn the "Hamilton" actor said, "I'm happy to freestyle if you beatbox."

Emma was totally caught off guard and kept saying how bad it was going to be. Yet, Miranda gave her a short prep talk to get the actress to drop a beat.

"I'm sure there was beatboxing on set during those movies," Miranda said.

"Oh yeah, English school kids, that's what we do all the time. We just beatbox," Watson responded.

The out-spoken women's activist finally agreed to beatbox, but first asked Miranda if he was a a feminist to which he quickly responded "of course."

Then the two did the best freestyle, beatbox collab you've ever seen.

"Yo, it's Lin and I have to laugh / How can we not be equal, we're like half. Like women are like half of the people on Earth / And yes they shoulda been equal since birth/ That means all day, every day, equal pay, every way, okay / Are we really okay? / Oh my gosh, yo this beatbox is fantastic. Beast. Where to find em/ Yo, I'm drastically changing the narrative," Lin freestyles.

They concluded with a final beat from Watson and to her declaring that she will never do that again.

"No one ever ask me to do that ever again," Watson said, covering her face as her face turned red. "These are the lengths that I will go to for gender equality."

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