Eric Garner Protests: Cleveland Cavs LeBron James: ‘Violence is not the Answer’

By Cheri Cheng - 05 Dec '14 09:59AM

Since the grand jury did not vote to bring an indictment in the death of Eric Garner, many people have taken to the streets to protest. Celebrities and superstars have also publicly voiced their opinions about Garner's death. One of these superstars is none other than LeBron James.

Prior to the start of last night's game against the New York Knicks, the Cleveland Cavaliers' star stated, according to the New York Daily News, "It doesn't matter, it's more troubling that it's happening in our country. This is our country, the land of the free, and we keep having these incidents happen, innocent victims or whatever the case may be."

He added, "Our families are losing loved ones. I'm not pointing the blame at anybody that's making it happen. In society, we've come a long way, but it just goes to show how much further we still have to go."

When asked for his opinions regarding both the violent and nonviolent protests that have started, LeBron stated, "violence is not the answer." Instead, he believes that as a society, everyone has to do better. James, who is not the only athlete to voice his opinion on political issues, was also asked whether or not he thought other athletes should speak up. In response to that question, he stated, "It doesn't matter if you are an athlete or not. If it hits home for you, then you have the right to speak on it."

LeBron has previously addressed other non-basketball related issues. In support of Trayvon Martin, the teenager that was fatally shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Florida of 2012, LeBron and his fellow Miami Heats teammates donned hoodies in a photo with hashtags, #Stereotyped and #WeWantJustice. He has also spoken out against Donald Sterling's racist statements and has shown his support for Michael Brown, who was killed by a policeman in Ferguson, MI.

Garner died in Staten Island after being choked by a police officer, who approached Garner because he was allegedly selling cigarettes that he was not authorized to sell. In the videotape, the officer used a banned chokehold to subdue Garner, who repeatedly told him that he could not breath. Garner later died in the hospital.

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