UN Comes Up With New LGBT Equality Rights Stamps

By Jenn Loro - 06 Feb '16 17:44PM

The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) has issued a new set of commemorative postage stamps in celebrating the colorful and vibrant diversity of the gay community.

The stamps are intended to promote equality rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people (LGBT) as part of UN's Free & Equal Campaign.

"We need to change attitudes to one of acceptance," remarked UN Assistant Secretary General Stephen Cutts as quoted saying by The Guardian.

The Free & Equal Campaign advocates for a just and fair treatment of the LGBT community especially in countries where homosexuality, transexuality, and bisexuality remains a socio-cultural taboo. It also calls for a collective endeavor to cultivate a more educated and open-minded view on LGBT and end gender discrimination which, in some cases, result to violence as reported by The Telegraph.

The equality rights stamps feature a colorful interpretation of LGBT diversity designed by UNPA art director Sergio Baradat- same-sex couples, a butterfly representing transsexuals, and a half-red & half-white person symbolizing people who are bisexuals according to Pink News.

LGBT rights movement has already experienced great strides in various areas of human advancement. More recently, a number of countries enacted or upheld laws that legalize same-sex marriage.

In the United States, the Supreme Court has already arrived at a landmark decision of declaring same-sex marriage as constitutional- paving the way for a more expanded recognition of gay rights.

Unfortunately, hate crimes against gays are still prevalent even in gay-friendly societies. In some parts of the world, the situation is even worse- homosexuality is deemed a criminal act meted out with harsh penalties.

The new postage stamps were placed on public display in a ceremony held at the UN General Assembly building together with the Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition.

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