Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie Relationship Update: Actor Struggles To Quit Smoking And Quit Marijuana For His Kids’ Sake

By Maria Slither - 14 Oct '15 10:38AM

Brad Pitt is serious in changing his old self and his habits for the sake of his family.

In a recent interview by New York Post via Yahoo News Australia, the 51-year old actor confessed that he is determined to quit smoking despite the struggle in unlearning the habit.

"(It has been) deeply miserable. I really missed cigarettes. Withdrawal was so hard, I was ready to kill," he shared.

He also added that he has been previously forewarned of the dangers of his decision.

"My trainer warned (me) every day would be unpleasant. He was right."

Smoking is not the only habit that he ended when he became a father. When he and Angelina adopted Maddox, the actor also decided to quit using marijuana.

"I quit smoking (marijuana). That (having kids) was the only thing that got me to quit. That was it. Done," he once said.

Brad is really keen in keeping and taking care of his brood and is rumored to have conflicts with the Unbroken director who has homosexual and self-destructive tendencies that may only ruin their family, Movie News Guide reported.

The news source stated that the Angie's shrinking frame and sudden weight loss has worried the actor. He even convinced her to go on a fitness camp with health coach, Gertrude Keazor.

Also, the 40-year old actress' time spent with their female nanny irked Brad.

Meanwhile, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie may be adding a new member of their family when Angie pitied a Syrian baby who was orphaned in the recent Syrian crisis, Enstarz said.

However, the couple is still currently discussing and has not arrived any decisions yet.

"Angie wanted to adopt all three, but when she got back to the United States, and told Brad about it, he said no," a source said.

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