Too Much Sex Can Make You Miserable, Study

By R. Siva Kumar - 25 Aug '15 09:15AM

Couples that have more sex are not necessarily happier, says research. Instead, they just feel more tired out, having viewed sex as a chore, according to dailymail.

US researchers examined the sex lives of 80 married couples. Half of them were asked to indulge in sex twice as often as usual for three months, while the others were asked to stick to their usual routine.

Those who were aged between 35 and 65 years, filled out psychological surveys at the start and end of the study, even as they filled out their everyday assessments of their mood.

Those who were asked to have more sex indulged in about 40 per cent more than their usual number, hence averaging nearly nine sessions a month, rather than six.

The results were unexpected, and lead researcher George Loewenstein, said: "This is the first study to assess whether increased frequency really does lead to greater happiness.Our main finding is surprising and shows that people who increased frequency had reduced happiness and sexual enjoyment."

The Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization reports that libido got reduced. Professor Loewenstein, of Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, pointed out that it may have got exhausting.

On the other hand, they just went ahead with it for the sake of the task, rather than for pleasure. Hence, it became a chore.

The professor, a psychologist and economist, said: "Luring couples into having more sex - through travelling to new places or staying in hotels, or perhaps even counselling - rather than directives, might be a better way of improving relationship quality and happiness."

Professor Mike Wyllie of the team of scientists that invented Viagra, described the results as an example of interesting statistics that do not reflect real life. He added: "A survey of any physician's office would undoubtedly show many more patients there to discuss too little sex and few, if any, too much."

Tamar Krishnamurti helped design the study and said she feels that it could actually help them improve their sex lives, according to theindependent.

"Instead of focusing on increasing sexual frequency to the levels they experienced at the beginning of a relationship, couples may want to work on creating an environment that sparks their desire and makes the sex that they do have even more fun," said Ms Krishnamurti.

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