Frozen Donor Eggs Not As Effective As Fresh Eggs For Infertile Women , Study

By R. Siva Kumar - 14 Aug '15 12:53PM

A new study shows that fresh donor eggs are better for 'infertile' women than frozen eggs for in vitro fertilization (IVF), according to time.

The reason for this is that the demand for frozen eggs has shot up. Earlier, when women waited for fresh donor eggs, they had to wait for months to finally get what they wanted. The range of frozen eggs is larger, and helps them to manipulate their time, so that IVF centers set up frozen egg banks, say media reports.

In a new study by the Center for Human Reproduction in New York City, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was revealed that in about 11,000 IVF procedures, a fifth of which involved frozen eggs, "the fresh eggs bested frozen eggs in live birth rates by 56 to 47 percent". This was looked at as a big difference. Hence, those who want to opt for the frozen eggs should put some more thinking into their choice.

According to Dr. Yanguang Wu, embyrologist and associate scientist at the Centre for Reproductive Medicine, "We used to think that aging eggs were responsible for poor IVF success rates in older women, but here we show that it is more due to the aging of the egg's environment", according to nycity.

IVF is a method that draws eggs from a donor and gets them fertilized with sperm from the partner. After they get fertilized, they get deposited in the uterus of the recipient.

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