Teen Killed By Stray Bullet While Watching Movie at Home

By Ashwin Subramania - 06 Jul '15 09:48AM

Police are currently investigating the death of the 16 year old girl who was killed when she was hit by a stray bullet while watching a movie at her College Park home in Fulton County.

Rasheedah Evans was found lying unresponsive by her step dad Rashid Salaam on Saturday night.

"It was around 10:30 or so. I just heard gunshots and it sounded real close to the house," Salaam said.

One of the bullets that was fired entered their home and hit Evan behind the ear which killed her instantly.

"She was watching a movie at home. We should be safe in our own homes but we're not safe in our homes. Put the guns down," Salaam said.

Fulton County Police have described the incident as 'celebratory firing' during the Fourth of July.

The officials have said they will now talk to 23 year old Marcel Smith who is a person of interest in the shooting. They have however stressed that Smith is currently only wanted for questioning.

Evans' Uncle Patrick Mohammed who is also their neighbor has said the police haven't been able to track down Smith since the shooting.

"We are a loving family and a forgiving family, with an accident. Let it remain an accident, but fleeing the scene and not turning yourself in allows us not to be believers in accidents," Muhammad said.

The Police also spoke about receiving many calls related to 'celebratory firing' but in Evans case, the firing turned out to be fatal.

"When you discharge your firearm you own that bullet. Wherever it goes, you're responsible for it," police said.

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