Facebook Has A New Logo; Here's Why

By Kamal Nayan - 01 Jul '15 13:25PM

Facebook has a new logo, but the differences are very subtle. The logo update comes after 10 years.

The iconic blue logo will remain the same while the full name uses Eric Olson of Process Type Foundry.

Facebook's in-house designers created custom lettering to make the logo "feel more friendly and approachable," according to creative director Josh Higgins.

"We set out to modernize the logo to make it feel more friendly and approachable," Higgins said.

The new logo is apparently better suited to viewing on mobile devices.

Looking closely, the most obvious difference is the double-story "a" that was swapped out for a single-story character.

"This is actually a huge change and it's much more than the 'a,'" Howard Belk, co-chief executive and chief creative officer of branding firm Siegel+Gale, told the Wall Street Journal. "It's driven by mobile."

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