Google Search Queries From Smartphones Tops PC Queries For The First Time In 10 Countries

By Kamal Nayan - 05 May '15 15:04PM

Google receives more search queries from smartphones than PCs from users in U.S., Japan and 8 other countries, the company said in a statement.

The owner of the largest Web search engine has seen the change in 10 countries, according to Jerry Dischler, vice president of search ads, who will discuss the milestone at an event Tuesday for Google's AdWords product lineup, according to Bloomberg Business.

According to estimates, Google's share of mobile advertising will decline to 35 percent this year from 38 percent in 2014.

"We think it's a real turning point in digital," Dischler said, referring to the shift to mobile searches. "We've seen the trend coming for several years now -- and we've been investing ahead of the opportunity."

The Mountain View, California-based company also unveiled tools to help advertisers highlight their services next to mobile-query results.

Last month, Google overhauled its search-recommendation system to favor websites that are easier to read and load on smartphones. The change, dubbed "Mobilegeddon," prodded millions of websites to make change to ensure that the experience of using it on smaller screens was acceptable.

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