Russian fisherman finds fish with human-looking teeth: PHOTO

By Staff Reporter - 03 Oct '14 14:31PM

A fisherman is Russia recently found a fish with a set of what appears to resemble human teeth, according to reports.

The fisherman Northern Dvina River in north-western Russia's Arkhangelsk Oblast district thought the fish was a common breed, but when he went to unhook it he saw it had a mouth full of what looked like human teeth.

"When I opened it I nearly dropped the thing in surprise," Alexander Korobov, an experienced fisherman, said, according to the Metro.

Gennady Dvorykankin of the Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography said scientists there believe the fish is an herbivorous piranha.

He said "It was already dead but when I picked it up and smelt it, I could tell it was fresh.

"I then opened its gills which were nice and red but I noticed the mouth wasn't right for a bream and when I opened it I nearly dropped the thing in surprise.

"Inside were a load of human teeth."

"It is very unlikely that it made its way from its natural tropical waters to our Arctic and then into the river so we can only assume it was dumped by an owner of exotic fish," he said, according to the Mirror.

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