Scientists Demonstrate Bendable Battery That Can Charge A Smartphone In One Minute [Video]

By Kamal Nayan - 07 Apr '15 14:37PM

Scientists from Stanford have demonstrated an aluminum battery that can charge a smartphone in as little as a minute.

The new innovative battery can be folded and could potentially replace alkaline and lithium-ion batteries.

According to Wired, battery can be charged and recharged thousands of times, and is better for the environment than current widely-used batteries because of its durability.

"We have developed a rechargeable aluminum battery that may replace existing storage devices, such as alkaline batteries, which are bad for the environment, and lithium-ion batteries, which occasionally burst into flames," said Hongjie Dai - a professor of chemistry at Stanford and one of the authors of a paper on the battery, in the press release.

According to scientists, the new battery is also safer than lithium-ion batteries.

"In our study, we have videos showing that you can drill through the aluminum battery pouch, and it will continue working for a while longer without catching fire," Dai said. "But lithium batteries can go off in an unpredictable manner - in the air, the car or in your pocket. Besides safety, we have achieved major breakthroughs in aluminum battery performance."

The study describing the promising new battery was described in the journal Nature.

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