'Superman' Henry Cavill Reveals He's Well Endowed Much to Fans Excitement

By Staff Reporter - 18 Mar '15 12:31PM

Hunky actor Henry Cavill from the Superman fame recently shared a bit more than perhaps he intended, although his fans may secretly appreciate in.

During a recent interview with Shortlist magazine, Henry shared some interesting insights about what he likes to wear when he travels, what he likes to wear to bed, and everything in between.

When Cavill was asked whether he wears "budgie smugglers" (Speedos) or "swimming shorts" Cavill jokingly answered: "Definitely, definitely swimming shorts. More like a parrot smugglers. A Macaw or something. Perhaps a large bird of prey. Bald eagle. There you go."

The "Man of Steel" actor was asked what essentials does he for a trip. He says he doesn't like to carry expensive skincare products for fear they will be confiscated by airport security.

"I travel really light. I normally take my Microsoft Surface with me, so I can work and read books and scripts. So, Microsoft Surface, travel adapter and...headphones. A good pair of headphones, for watching a movie or listen to your own music or just shutting the world out. Or you can pretend you're listening to music, so nobody bothers you."

Cavalli, 31, was also asked whether his bulky muscles had ever caused his clothes to rip. He replied candidly:

"Yes, actually, at the end of Man of Steel, I had a suit tailored for the Immortals premiere. At that stage, I was at my very leanest. It was just after shooting my shirtless scenes. At the very end of the movie, I put that suit on again for a photoshoot we were doing and I ripped the seams, the inside seams, just because my thighs were that much bigger."

Cavall and his brother, Charlie, have formed the production company Promethean Productions, which will be action film Stratton and will start Henry.  

The latest issue of ShortList with the full interview of Henry Cavill comes out this Thursday.

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