5 Elements of a Successful Employee Recognition Program

By Staff Reporter - 05 Aug '22 13:09PM
  • (Photo : Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash)

Employees who feel valued are more likely to go above and beyond for their company. They feel more motivated, more engaged, and more committed to their roles. They want to do the best they can to further not only their own professional goals, but the goals of the company as a whole. 

How can you help your employees get to a place of feeling valued and respected for their contributions to the company? You need an employee recognition program, but it's not enough to just start giving out Employee of the Month awards or adding extra praise in your performance reviews. Employees need recognition that is tailored to their personal needs, supports their professional growth, acknowledges their passions, and incorporates praise and gratitude from peers as well as leadership. These five cornerstones of a successful employee recognition program will help you get the best out of your team.

1) Personalization

It's important to personalize employee recognition because not everyone is going to respond the same way to any given form of recognition. Just like people have different love languages, they also have different languages of appreciation: words of affirmation, (appropriate) physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and tangible gifts. Some people will prefer public recognition of their achievements, while others will want to receive recognition more privately. Some people might prefer a small gift that's relevant to their interests or hobbies, while others might appreciate some extra paid time off. Still others might be happy with words of affirmation, or some quality time with the boss or teammates. Make the time and put in the effort to get to know each of your employees and their languages of appreciation, so you can tailor your recognition efforts to suit the appreciation needs of each of your employees.

2) Support for Growth

Most people don't take a job expecting to stay in that exact same position throughout their careers. They want to learn new skills, advance, and take on new responsibilities - and, of course, they want to earn more as time passes.

Supporting your employees in their professional growth shows them that you care about them as people. Offer your employees opportunities to learn new skills and move up the company ladder. Many of your employees will stay with the company long-term if they see room for advancement and get the support they need to make their career goals happen with the company. Others may have goals that require them to move on to other companies - but you should support those goals, too. Supporting the goals of your employees, even those who ultimately leave, is good for your reputation and keeps morale high among those who remain. 

(Photo : Jud Mackrill on Unsplash)

3) Monetary and Non-Monetary Rewards

Monetary rewards have their place in any employee recognition program. Give your employees the opportunity to earn performance bonuses or pay raises. But make sure there's plenty of room in your recognition program for non-monetary rewards, as well.

For one thing, it's cheaper to give non-monetary rewards - you probably can't afford to give a bonus every time an employee does something praiseworthy. Nor is it necessarily always appropriate to give a bonus or a pay raise. Non-monetary rewards like a card in recognition of an employee anniversary or a life milestones, words of praise and gratitude, small gifts, and extra time off can help you give recognition to the extent it's needed to keep employees engaged every day, so that you can do more than merely give them bonuses and pay raises. 

4) Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Yes, leadership needs to dole out recognition on a daily basis. It feels good to hear praise and thanks from a manager, but it can feel just as good coming from a peer - and recognition between peers can really solidify interpersonal relationships in the office, bringing people closer together and creating an environment in which collaboration is second nature. Encourage peer-to-peer recognition with a digital platform or a recognition wall that lets team members call out their peers publically for their good performance. 

5) Appreciation of Employee Passions

No one wants to feel like they're just another pencil pusher. Engaging with employees on the level of their personal passions can help them feel like they're seen and appreciated for who they are as unique individuals. Taking the time to learn what your employees are passionate about can also help you come up with creative and personal rewards to motivate and inspire them.

Employee recognition programs are valuable tools that you can use to make your business more profitable and retain your top talent. Put together an employee recognition program for your office today, and start reaping the benefits of increased engagement and morale. 

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