How to Transform Your Capital Markets Virtual Events

By Staff Reporter - 19 May '22 13:09PM
  • (Photo : Moose Photos from Pexels)

Does it matter if your capital markets virtual events feel a little dull? You might not think so if you're looking forward to a post-COVID world when you don't have to present online. 

Unfortunately, you aren't living in that world just yet. With the ongoing spread of COVID-19, it could be a long while before the corporate world gives up on digital events. 

Until that day comes, you'll need to redouble your efforts and reinvigorate your webcasting platforms. Here's everything you need to know about why and how to elevate the investor event experience online.

Why You Still Need to Invest in Capital Markets Virtual Events

How will my investor events look like in a post-COVID world? It's the question many IRO teams are asking, but it doesn't have a clear answer yet.

Despite lifting restrictions on COVID-19 mandates worldwide, it's too early to talk about organizing corporate access events after the pandemic. Today, the BBC reports COVID-19 is continuing to spread across the world, with numbers spiking as new, more contagious variants emerge. 

While some corporate access heads are embracing in-person meetings in spite of these stats, many more are choosing to host completely digital conferences. 

Then there are those corporations that pivot to a virtual format at the last minute. 

In April, the Royal Bank of Canada's annual meeting changed to a digital event after a positive case of COVID-19 made an in-person meeting unsafe. While RBC is the most recent example, they aren't the first corporation to withdraw from their in-person plans, and you can expect more to fall back on their contingency plans in the future. 

All in all, a digital format is the new-normal of investor conferences, so your team should expect to carry out virtual events for the foreseeable future. 

How to Promote an Engaging Attendee Experience in a Virtual Investor Event/Conference

Having the right webcasting and conferencing tools at your disposal can help you deliver a flawless virtual experience from start to finish.

More specifically, your company deserves an end-to-end platform purpose-built for digital capital markets. This advanced technology provides support at every stage of your event, from pre-event planning to post-event analytics.

  • Fully branded experience with simple, award-winning design

  • Brand consistency across your entire investor relations calendar

  • Tight control over your investor relations narrative

  • Reliable webcasting and conference calling technology with flawless audio-visual

  • Interactive features to enhance engagement, including polls, Q&As, downloadable resources, and surveys

  • Industry-leading consultation regarding your event strategy and speaker onboarding

  • Streamlined organization and workflow

  • Critical event analytics and attendee feedback

  • 24/7 technical support 

  • Digital security, including custom attendee approvals, password-protected authorization, and email domain filtering

This all-in-one platform is versatile for any event, including hybrid models split between virtual and in-person audiences. You'll be able to execute bespoke events, including annual general meetings, bus tours, townhalls, reverse and non-deal roadshows, investor conferences, executive roundtables, and more. 

The Takeaway:

Your virtual investor event or conference can't feel like an afterthought considering today's climate. Audiences expect a seamless experience, even if you're pivoting to a virtual format at the eleventh hour. So far into a pandemic that shifted the world to digital, you can't afford to seem flustered or unprepared. 

The best conferencing and webcasting tools can help you exceed those expectations. Remember today's tips as you shop for an upgrade. The right technology optimizes future investor days, annual general meetings, and more. 

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