Growing Old in America: Expectations vs. Reality

By Staff Reporter - 04 Aug '21 20:18PM
  • (Photo : Pexels)

There is a massive difference between what people think it's like to get older, and how it appears for those who are going through the changes. If you're growing older in America, we're about to debunk some expectation myths that you might hear all the time.

You Will Be Poor

If you are in a lower income wage bracket then things like health problems, psychological issues such as depression, and various housing problems are more likely to become problematic as you get older. As a result, you're going to have to look for creative ways to cash in on the assets you do have. Do you have a life insurance policy you could sell through a life settlement in return for a cash payment? You can estimate the value in only seconds and the cash payout might just help get you out of a bad situation. Likewise, can you cash out on your 401(k)? Or can you sell your home with the idea of downsizing? These are all things to think about.

You Are Old at a Certain Age

There is no golden age that makes you old once you hit it. For people aged under thirty, turning 50 could make a person old. That number will be a lot higher for 50-year old's where 70 might be the new magic age. It's all about the key elements that contribute to happiness and living in the moment as best you can, not thinking about the numbers too much. 

You Will Feel Old at a Certain Point

Yes, there will be moments when you realize your favorite band last had a hit single twenty years ago or your favorite videogame from your childhood was originally released thirty years ago but they are momentary. Most people, as they age, generally feel younger than their age, a phenomenon that starts around the mid-twenties, and the gap between how old you are and how old you feel grows as you get older.

Some Problems Are Inevitable with Age

This is more of an investment kind of situation. Did you spend your twenties drinking alcohol and partying? If yes then you could develop issues with your liver and brain later on. Did you exercise often, look after your mental health and you made sure to eat well? Chances are you won't have as many problems when you get older. Health problems don't really come as part of the package as you get older - your health status will depend on how well you treated your mind and body when you were younger.

You'll Be Lonely

This is a common misconception that a lot of people have. The truth is that there is a huge aging community in the US and you'll be able to find new friends very easily if you're prepared to put yourself out there. Check your local community news for events that are being organized and make an effort to attend when you can. Also, don't be afraid to reach out to others in your neighborhood and ask if they'd like to get some coffee or some lunch one day per week.

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