Three Ways to Take Control of Your Life in the New Year

By Staff Reporter - 15 Jan '21 11:42AM
  • (Photo : Three Ways to Take Control of Your Life in the New Year)

The start of a new year is a great time to renew and refresh your goals. So, if the last year left you feeling like you were floundering in life, reading this article is a sign that it's time to reset and put yourself on the path to success. 

Check out these three easy actions to take control of your life in the new year.

1. Get More Financially Resilient

When your finances aren't in order, it's hard to take control of the other elements of your life. But when you become financially resilient, it is incredible the confidence it brings.  

If you felt financially unstable last year, consider starting a side hustle. You can start small, such as by running a hobby shop in digital marketplaces like Etsy or putting your hands to work as a craftsman. You'll soon reap the benefits of having the extra money these jobs bring. 

Before you invest a ton into your side hustle, be sure that you have all the necessary qualifications for your state to work in your industry. For example, be sure you have the proper licensing if you go into an industry like construction. 

If you're struggling to find out what you need to do, there are always resources. For example, if we stick with the construction example, you'll need to prepare for licensing exams. You can find online resources, like at, to prepare and get a head start on some of the paperwork. 

With determination and a willingness to think outside the box, you can become more financially resilient. It will pay off in the end.

2. Cultivate Healthy Habits

Another way to take control of your life in the coming year is to cultivate healthy habits. 

When people think about getting healthy, they often feel overwhelmed. But improving an aspect of your health in the new year doesn't have to be arduous. 

Focus on making one simple change each month, like ensuring you get 30 minutes of exercise every day or cutting down on your salt intake every meal. Soon you'll see the results healthy behavior can bring! 

The best part about cultivating healthy habits is that once you are successful, they help you with the rest of your life.

3. Prioritize Your Mental Health

Next on our list has to be prioritizing your mental health. 

Often, we allow our mental health to drop off when we are busy caring for others, but if you don't check in with yourself, it can be to everyone's detriment. 

When you create mental stability and foster happiness from within, the benefits extend across your entire life.

If you're struggling, consider talking to a therapist. Therapy is a helpful tool even for people without mental disorders, and it shouldn't be stigmatized. 

Therapists are just like every other doctor. They help you manage an aspect of your health. A good counselor is an excellent resource for building helpful tools that improve your personal life, marriage, and even parenting skills. 

If therapy seems scary or expensive to you, considering journaling or meditation. These other options are both low cost and private ways to get in touch with your thoughts and build a positive mindset every day!

In the End

All in all, taking control of your life in the new year doesn't have to be hard! When you focus on financial freedom and prioritize your physical and mental health, you can be an overall better person. 

Remember, taking care of yourself is always worth the investment. So get started on your goals and take control of your life now!

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