What’s Behind the Fresh Meat Delivery Trend?

By Staff Reporter - 26 Nov '19 15:58PM
  • (Photo : pinterest)

Much has been made of the rise of Amazon and online shopping, but an aspect of this phenomenon that has seen less coverage is the fact that e-commerce arrived at the same time American workers started consistently needing to work longer than the once-standard forty hours a week. 

If we want to explain the rise of fresh meat delivery services and understand why e-commerce is disrupting the way we shop for groceries, seeing how the need for convenience intersects with other trends in American life is essential. 

Less Time, More Obligations: The American Dilemma  

Every day, ordinary people are under a huge amount of pressure. They don't just need to perform well in their careers and care for their families, they are encouraged on all sides to embrace self-improvement as a way of life. 

While there are obvious benefits to this, the social expectation that we will constantly be developing ourselves puts even greater demands on our time. 

For example, the average white-collar worker is supposed to be:

  • Fit and healthy

  • In tune with their emotions

  • Respectful of the environment

  • Intellectually curious

  • Up-to-date on current events

  • Culturally savvy

  • Fashionable

In many cases, failure to meet these expectations can have real-world impacts on standard of living and social life. They can even affect your ability to get promoted or find a better job. 

This means that Americans need to eat well and in environmentally conscious ways even as they struggle to find the time for healthy home cooking because of their social and work-related obligations. It's a recipe for stress, frustration, and anxiety. 

Bespoke Delivery Helps Re-Set the Balance

Given all this, it's not hard to see why people are opting to order premium meat online so they can cook sustainable food at home. Personalized online meat delivery options that focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly products make it easier to get the kind of high quality groceries needed to make healthy, sustainable food. 

In many cases, shoppers can order a meat box filled with individually wrapped cuts that will be delivered straight to their door, decreasing the time need to cook and prepare food, and making it an awful lot easier to start cooking once they get home from work.  

If you feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks you need to accomplish in a day, you're not alone. According to a study from the Centre for American Progress, Americans work longer hours than people in any other developed country - including Japan. 

No wonder, then, that Americans are finding ways to free up more time for themselves by having their groceries delivered. With healthy, gourmet cuts of meat only a few clicks away, fresh meat delivery is one way to spend fewer hours running around, and more time with family and friends.  

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