CIA Report: Why Did The Obama Administration Never Respond To The Russia's Intervention Before The Election?

By Archer Ferguson - 14 Dec '16 05:33AM

Russia's intervention allegedly the biggest cyber hack reported by the CIA is slapped to the faces of every American. Why did the Obama administration never did any action on this when they knew of the reports?

The Obama administration knew all along months before the US Presidential election that the intelligence community had the knowledge about Russia's intervention over the internet. However, they refused to take further steps in the open public, not until today when President Obama made an order to make a review on the last election.

Conflict Of International Interest

Possibly, the Obama administration is creating a positive gesture in their approach with Russia's intervention hoping that it will turn the tide in their favor. President Obama's administration is after saving the Russia-Syria Talks. Confronting the Russian Federation may alter decisions in the future.

In turn, Democrats are crying foul because the alleged cyber-attack or Russia's intervention is aimed to hit Hillary Clinton's election and boost President-Elect Donald Trump. Could this issue come out if Hillary Clinton won as the US President?

Possible Global Crisis

The United States currently is on the brink of conflict with China due to the attempt of Donald trump in dropping the "One China Policy". Now, it is facing a possible risk of cyber-war with Russia, provided that the allegation of the intelligence agencies is true.

Russia's intervention is a situation for the United States to choose its interest between its international interest and its homeland security. President Obama is making sure that all steps taken are proportionally balanced and accurate.

"I think it was a mistake earlier frankly not to react more forcefully when North Korea hacked us. I think that kind of -- that lack of deterrence invited the Russians to meddle and consider they could do this with impunity," said by Rep Adam Schiff who leads the House Intelligence Committee.

TAGScyber war, cyber hack, Russia, US President, Russia's Intervention, President Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, CIA Report
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