Bryran Cranston To Lead DEA As Walter White In A Parody On 'SNL'

By Marian Joan Bongato - 15 Dec '16 18:48PM

SNL have Alec Baldwin as their regular Donald Trump impersonator, however with him not around, Brian Cranston has filled in his place for the meantime, donning as Walter White. The comedy act, started when Jake Tapper interviewed McKinnon about the president's administration pick and mentioned Walter White as the newest member of the cabinet.

Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, have highly recommended Walter White to be in position, as stated by Kellyanne Conway who played as Kate McKinnon, Trump's advisor. When asked where did Cranston meet Steve, he just simply stated that he was found by Steve in the comment section at Breitbart News, where Steve was the executive chair.

According to USA today, Emmy award winning actor, added, 'I'm really surprised he tracked me down, I've been off the grid for awhile,' talking about his encounter with Steve Bannon and in which he means that his notorious role was finished after he died in the season finale of 'Breaking Bad.'He was also asked by Tapper as to how he would actually lead the Drug Enforcement Agency when he is in fact just a high school teacher, but Walter White simply just shrugged and said, 'Trust me,' he tells Tapper, 'I know the DEA better than anyone, inside and out.'

As the audience laughed out loud. Mckinnon added a praise for the chemist teacher, said that Walter white is a prodigy when talking about chemicals and that major companies in the country had been knocking to his door but simply just shuts them out, therefore, making cabinet is very fortunate to have him in the team.

Much to everyone's amusement, in response to what Mckinnon previously stated, Walter uttered his famous phrase, 'I am the one who knocks.' Every 'Breaking Bad' fan would know all the puns mentioned in the interview, especially when he said, 'Oh, absolutely. Donald Trump and I agree. It's time to make America cook again.' He then added, 'we want to fill this nation with red, white, and a whole lot of blue,' reports from Dailymail


TAGSBryan Cranston, walter white, Breaking Bad, SNL, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Jake Tapper
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