Andrew Puzder Is Department Of Labor Pick: Where Can American Run Too With This Development?

By Archer Ferguson - 11 Dec '16 08:47AM

Conservative commentator Andrew Puzder is Donald trump's pick for the Department of Labor post in his cabinet. Apparently, the fast-food magnate is a known villain in the post he is appointed.

The promise of making America Great again comes into question why the President-elect appointed Andrew Puzder as Department of Labor Secretary. His opposition to minimum wage increase and who brought the idea of replacing people with machine troubles the agency he will be working with

Donald Trump promised two things during the campaign, "buy American, and Hire Americans". Andrew Puzder created an image of his own attacking employers that abide the law and the workers that helped him build an empire of fast-food in the United States. In this case, Americans are not getting exactly the message that more chaos is coming their way.


Business Creates Job Not Labor Unions

While it is true that a harmonious relationship between employee and employer, it is also right that workers get the exact benefit of being an employee. They are entitled to all these, that is why the Labor Union exist to ensure that the workers right are protected.

Labor union stands as the mediator between conflict of employees demands from employer and channel the other way around. Andrew Puzder should understand this that the working classes are American that he will soon serve.

Business does create a job. However, when the incoming Secretary of the Department of Labor said that machines are "polite and don't take a holiday", it poses a threat to the workers for them losing their job and not protected by the government.

Immigration Reform

Andrew Puzder strongly supports Donald trump's quest to finish his "problem" with immigration. By deporting a number of people out of the United States, it gives an opportunity for those citizens and those who have papers as the top priority for labor in the country.

"It's the country that we are, it's the people that we are, and we need to foster that image across the world and in the United States," he said. The hopes of the people in the United States lies in the Government, but some expect the worst will come with the Department of Labor.

TAGSandrew puzder, labor, Donald Trump, fast food
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