Donald Trump Presidential Transition: A Total Change Of US Foreign Policy. Where Will Trump Bring America?

By Archer Ferguson - 10 Dec '16 04:10AM

Donald Trump intends becoming the President that will never intervene as his approach to conflicts and problems of other countries. This is a total change of US Foreign Policy that divided the world's reaction.

The President-elect said. "We will stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn't be involved with." However, a contradicting Statement in his victory speech, he promised to increase military budget to destroy the terrorizing menace, ISIS.

Prioritizing infrastructure within American domains, providing jobs for American citizens, and immigration concern is the leading political propaganda that he promised during the campaign. Today, the air is shifting to another direction and the people doesn't know where it's headed, but the sure thing is, it's still part of the total change of US Foreign Policy.

International Controversies And Donald Trump


The 10 Minute Call is a discourteous protocol made in just a dial. Trump called Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Win is an imprudent move that the International structure with China is threatened.

North Korea

Volatile Kim Jung-un and the past administration willingly did not enforce for a possible talk in a Presidential-level with North Korea. However, when Trump answered the possible talks with Kim Jung-un, he said, "I would speak to him, I would have no problem speaking to him."


US Embassy in Jerusalem is a promise made by any other candidate, one would consider saying to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem from Israel. A total change of US Foreign Policy statement that gets Domestic applause from Evangelical voters but will offend Israel.

Turkey and Philippines

Human Rights Policy is part of the US advocacy for humanity. Until today since the campaign, Donald Trump emphasizes that the United States got a problem of its own. Intervening to the arising issue with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on his war against drugs is the least of American concern.

The efforts of President Barack Obama and the earlier administrations in keeping America on its feet, President-Elect Donald Trump takes over a country with fewer problems. The foundation previous presidents could go down with the total change of US Foreign Policy.


TAGSPresidential Transition, Donald Trump, President Tsai Ing-Win, Kim Jung-un, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, Total Change of US Foreign Policy
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