James Mattis Is Donald Trump’s Secretary Of Defense: Why He Thinks LGBT In Uniform Makes US Military Weak?

By Michael Davis - 03 Dec '16 09:18AM

President-Elect Donald Trump started picking up members of the Government's Cabinet and for Defense Secretary he chooses General James Mattis. He stands to put deviations on the military's "Social Change" as he thinks that US Military is weak for opening the doors for Gay and Transgender citizens.

Remembering the "Warrior and Citizen: Americans View Our Military" authored by General Mattis and contributor Kori Schake they wrote "We fear that an uninformed public is permitting political leaders to impose an accretion of social conventions that are diminishing the combat power of our military," said on the report on Towleroad.

This is a clear manifestation on how the incoming Defense Secretary feel about the LGBT's "Don't ask, Don't tell Policy imposed by the incumbent President Barack Obama. In 2011, Defense Secretary Ash Carter allowed openly Transgender to join the military.

The retired Marine Corps and former commander of the United States Central Command made a strong critiquing with Obama in 2015 about his LGBT Policies. He expressed that in the time of the International Turmoil, America should stand as the leading nation with strong defense leaving out Gays and Transgender.

General Mattis urged the lawmakers for a "refreshed national strategies" by saying "Doing so requires us to look beyond the events that are currently consuming the executive branch." He added that the citizens' reactions should be stopped and it needs an immediate action for the government to stay firm and strong.

According to Advocates, Analyst shed the light that the way General Mattis way on opinion towards LGBT and women are in line with how Trump is known popularly. The remarks given by Mattis already made eyes rolled for his thoughts having women in the force. He stated plainly women certainly are unfitted for "intimate killing".

In his speech, he said that those who fight for an all-gender inclusion never realized how it is in the combat field. Adding further that women are unsuitable for a psychological effect of war and unbearable for sexual temptation.

TAGSDonald Trump, James Mattis, Social Change, LGBT, US military, US Armed Forces
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