Sanders Responded Advertly On The Call To Stop Anti-Trump Protesters

By Michael Davis - 16 Nov '16 19:50PM

The Electoral College System is now questioned by Senator Bernie Sanders, one of the leaders of the Democrats Party. He was also called out by Republican to at least make a public announcement in stopping the riots and protest happening across the country.

Instead, the good Senator from Vermont said in USA Today that people are angry and upset with the election result and these people have every right to go out the streets. This particular statement is a clear fact that the Senator supports the chaos happening in major cities of America.

The Democrat Senator further said that serious discussion regarding the "faithless voting" process has culpable faults in the essence of democracy. Many Presidential candidates have won the popularity vote but have lost the election, and that includes Clinton in the last US Presidential Election.

In an article published by Independent, Sanders answered the question if it was ever possible their party could have won the Election if he won the nomination over Hillary Clinton. The Senator was firm with the answer that he is uncertain of the outcome if he will win or not, but he still wishes the opportunity was given to him as the Democratic Standard Bearer.

Senator Sanders is also undefined with the question if he will seek another term in the coming Senatorial Midterm Election in 2018. "Probably, but I haven't made that decision on," he said.

"Violence is absolutely and totally unacceptable," was a clear statement of Sanders in an interview covered by Washington post a day after the protest emerged on the streets. It seems that this is a contradicting view on his stands with the Trump Election.

Sanders was saying statement that many communities were greatly disturbed on Trumps Presidential campaign. What he promoted was bigotry and he understands the people's anger. He said that they can defeat Trump when many of protesters will stand with them.

TAGSDonald Trump, Bernie Sanders, US Presidential Elections, US Election, Democratic Party, US Protest, US Riots, Electoral College
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