‘Winter is Coming’ in The Unites States on Donald Trump Victory for the US Presidential Election

By Michael Davis - 14 Nov '16 06:27AM

The Game of Thrones "Winter is coming" is House Stark famous line depicting that the hard days in the lives of every Westeros is on their doorstep. Author George RR Martin could predict that Donald Trump's election is the time American say "winter is coming."

Martin wrote this on his blog relating to the recently concluded US Presidential Election, said on Independent. The result has penciled a comparison of HBO's long-running series "The Game of Thrones."

"Trump was the least qualified candidate ever nominated by a major party for the presidency," Martin said. He further explained that Americans could have done better in choosing the next president. It is Martin's thought that by January, The United States will have the worst President in history.

'Game of Thrones' Author George RR Martin on Donald Trump: 'Winter Is Coming.' 

On Telegraph, The TV Series actors playing villain roles also expressed their sentiments regarding the election of Trump. Roles such as Little Finger, Cersei Lannister, and Ramsay Bolton expressed that the worst is yet to come because Donald Trump will be a "dangerously unstable player on the world stage."

Racially divisive policies can also be comparison depiction in the situation of the US-Mexican Border and the Wall North of Winterfell. He further expressed that the US problem will get worst and worst in the next four years, just like in his novel that winter can last many years.

Other famous author had their share of opinion regarding the Trump Election. The notable Horror writer Stephen King said that the United States is in the hands of a man with a 2-year-old temperament. In literal consideration, the keys for a nuclear weapon are in the hands of Donald Trump.

In the conclusive lines in the Headlines and Global News, The universe of the darkest fictional fantasy series is coming to life because of Donald Trump. Will the world eye on the next chapters of America as the next "Seven Kingdoms" in "The Game of Thrones"?

TAGSDonald Trump, George R.R. Martin, Game of Thrones, Winter is Coming, US Presidential Elections
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