'South Park' Interesting Twist: 'Oh, Jeez' Episode, A Last Minute Decision Following Trump's Victory

By Maria Follet - 10 Nov '16 17:56PM

"South Park's" November 9 episode shifted from "The Very First Gentlemen" into a simple yet explicit "Oh, Jeez" title following Donald Trump's win in United States' Election 2016.

Creators decided to rewrite the latest "South Park" episode after the surprising election turnout which shook the world. Naysayers have been clear about their vision that Trump will never win the election race. However, Trump's will power may have become so strong that he actually made it. He finally got what he wanted: to be United States' 45th President.

The short clip of "South Park" did not forget to show the message of how the whole electoral period turned out: "We've learned that women can be anything, except for president," Esquire notes. The people behind the show have a very interesting work timeline, too. They all make sure that they produce the story according to the latest events within the six days of anticipation following their latest episode release.

Vanity Fair shared how the staff of their publication were fascinated with "South Park's" recent activities, most especially that they're putting light into what seems for some is one of the biggest bad news they've received by far.

This is not "South Park's" first, though. The show also produced a dedicated episode for Obama's Victory back in his frirst day as President. Randy, Stan's father, shared his sentiments by saying "Well. I don't know about you guys, but I sure am excited. America's going to be great again," which was later on answered by Shelly, Randy's daughter remarked that "this country's gonna suck for four years!" Later on, Randy replied back and released another notable comment: "Oh, come on, Shelly. We've learned that women can be anything. Except for president."

TAGSSouth Park, South Park News, South Park Update, South Park Updates, South Park Spoilers, South Park Rumors, South Park Speculations, South Park Predictions, South Park season 20, South Park Season 20 News, South Park Season 20 Updates, South Park Season 20 Update, South Park season 20 spoilers, South Park Season 20 Rumors, South Park Season 20 Trump, Trump Wins, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump, Election Day 2016, election 2016
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