Road to the White House: The Ultimate Countdown of the US Election 2016 Trump VS Clinton

By Michael Davis - 04 Nov '16 07:36AM

It is now all about who will be fit for the US Presidential office. Eyeing on the White House as their finish line, it is now for every American to vote and choose who will be the next President.

The BBC Poll of Polls shows that both candidates are on the 45% neck-to-neck battle. It means that this race is in a good fight as the US is divided with opinions in casting their votes.

Mrs. Clinton's 270 Electoral Vote have the swing down to 5% making it up to date to 90%. However, Mr. Trump gained high confidence as both swing States such as North Carolina, and Florida has shifted opinion favoring Trump.

The 2016 most trending issue in the United States Presidential campaign is the US Border Security and Immigration issues in Arizona. Both Trump and Clinton has their part to say about issues on immigration and safety measures for the US.

With 90% Latino who stated that they hate Trump while Cowboys also has their political choice for Trump who promised to deport illegal immigrants out of the US. On the other hand, the New Yorker Candidate has a lot of women, and immigrant worker on her campaign may have the potential advantage to gather more votes said on The Guardian.

The final week is on while both candidates are still on the run exchanging heavy words and sometimes going personal. Each American will come out on November 8 and will choose their next Commander-in-Chief.

According to The Sun, the former first lady is 12 points ahead over Trump but the margin is just so slim, and it can change over the days to come. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will have a new president of the United States of America, and all the world is waiting for that lucky man or woman.

TAGSDonald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump, republican, Democrat, President, presidential campaign, White House, US election 2016, election
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