Hillary Clinton Breaking News : FBI Email Investigation Makes Donald Trump Have THIS Reaction

By Tony Park - 29 Oct '16 19:30PM

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has decided to reopen the investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's private email server controversy following the discovery of several emails as part of an ongoing probe of disgraced New York congressman Anthony Weiner. The emails were discovered on a laptop that was used by Weiner's wife Huma Abedin to send communications to the former Secretary of State. The FBI is examining the documents if they contain classified information.

Weiner had been accused of sending inappropriate text messages and images to a fifteen-year-old girl. Abedin is Clinton's senior aide and is separated from Weiner who was a former Democratic legislator.

FBI Director James B. Comey sent a letter to the U.S. Congress about the emails which had surfaced as the FBI investigates into Weiner's case. The FBI is planning to review the emails which he described as "appear to be pertinent." Comey clarified that they still have no knowledge on the significance of the emails to Clinton's email server case.

In July 2016, the FBI ended its investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server

Clinton had a press conference in Iowa on Friday evening wherein she urged the FBI to "release all the information that it has." Her position on the issue called for the rights of the American people to be informed of the full and complete facts.

Clinton's rival and Republican nominee Donald Trump was ecstatic about the news. Trump stated at a campaign rally in New Hampshire that "Perhaps, finally, justice will be done."

Trump criticized Clinton's "criminal scheme" and stressed that the former senator should not be allowed in the White House.

Video : Fox News

TAGSHillary Clinton, hillary clinton server, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, Donald Trump, FBI Director, james comey
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