Congressional Candidate Mike Webb Claims That The Porn He Was Caught Browsing Was For 'Research'

By R. Siva Kumar - 18 May '16 10:10AM

Mike Webb is a congressional candidate from Virgina. He posted a status to his campaign's Facebook page, in which he was trying to challenge a political rival by revealing an experience he underwent with an HR rep.

In his Facebook photograph, his posting showed a screenshot of the location of the incident.

However the screenshot also showed a couple of browser tabs with videos titled "LAYLA RIVERA TIGHT BOOTY" and "IVONE SEXY AMATEUR."

You can check the porn searches on the first two tabs of the browser.

Hence, while he was trying to bait his opposition, he also revealed  that he had been watching porn. He did not intend to, nor was he even aware that he had been trying to. Yet the activity was caught on the Facebook page and it quickly became viral.

You may not like to acknowledge that everyone (except you, perhaps!!) watches porn. Still, a study from 2013 showed that more people were looking at porn on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and Twitter.

This post became blasted even more out of proportion when Webb decided later to double down and repost the screenshot a few hours later. He gave the explanation a few hours later that his porn had been "strictly for research."

"Curious by nature, I wanted to test the suggestion that somehow, lurking out in the pornographic world there is some evil operator waiting for the one in a gazillion chance that a candidate for federal office would go to that particular website and thereby be infected with a virus that would cause his or her FEC data file to crash the FECfile application each time that it was loaded on the day of the filing deadline, as well as impact other critical campaign systems," his strange explanation began.

"Well, the Geek Squad techs testified to me, after servicing thousands of computers at the Baileys Crossroads location that they had never seen any computer using their signature virus protection for the time period to acquire over 4800 viruses, 300 of which would require re-installation of the operating system," he continued. "We are currently awaiting their attempt at recovery of files on that machine accidentally deleted when they failed to backup files before re-installation, a scenario about which Matthew Wavro speculated openly to me before we were informed by the Geek Squad that that had indeed occurred...."

Hence, while Webb was trying to highlight a politician's simple mistake, he actually revealed his posting into a "poorly attempted cover-up".

Do people really care if a politician looks up porn? Not really. However, it matters to them if the politician lies about it and also pretends that the public has not noticed his mistake.

TAGScongressional, candidate, mike, webb, claims, Porn, caught, browsing, research, Facebook campaign, Porn
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