Why Is Trump Tripping Himself Up With His Misogynistic Remarks?

By R. Siva Kumar - 10 May '16 09:20AM

Donald Trump's attempts at campaigning have been quite tasteless. With his strange and unthinking remarks about women, it looks like he is bending backwards to alienate women voters, and trying to prove that he can still win elections.

The strangest remark this week came not from him, but from his most prominent surrogates, Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona. She was asked on Sunday at CNN if she wanted to be Trump's running mate. She said yes, and then with Jake Tapper she had a strange conversation. She said that there are too many women in politics.

"Do you think he needs to pick a woman?" Jake Tapper asked her. "Given how bad his numbers are with women."

"I don't necessarily think you need to pick a woman," Brewer replied. "You know, this woman thing has gotten way out of control I believe."

"This woman thing has gotten way out of control"!! Now what kind of a statement would that be? Very Trump-like, of course, but how correct is it?

"And I think it's been driven by the left," Brewer continued. "Because they think that it's going to bring them over the end. But I think people, when they sit down to vote, they vote for the very best candidate. They want somebody that's going to represent them."

Brewer is really not clear about what she is implying. She seems to be giving the message that women are not necessarily the best candidates, but are just charity cases that trying to get liberals to vote for them, as salon says.

Now this is in sync with the entire Trump campaign's approach that targets Hillary Clinton. The entire thrust of the attack is that she is getting where she is only because she is a woman, and is playing the "woman card," which makes most women feel that they are holding jobs even though they are "incompetent", only in order to fill someone's woman's card obligation.

Trump's statements are making Clinton lead Trump by 26 points. That is double the margin that Barack Obama held over Mitt Romney in 2012.

Trump will help her gain more ground even as he spews out more toxins against her. He said: "On foreign policy, Hillary is trigger happy. She is. She is trigger happy. She's got a bad temperament. By the way, and her husband learnt that a few times, didn't he? A bad temperament."

He also suggested that Bill Clinton's infidelity was not his fault, but Hillary's.

"Hillary was an enabler and she treated these women horribly. Just remember this," Trump said during a campaign event on Saturday. "And some of those women were destroyed, not by (Bill Clinton), but by the way Hillary Clinton treated them after it went down."

Does Trump have to say anything else to make things clear to everyone? Hillary Clinton probably does not have to even target him. He's great at digging his own grave.

TAGSDonald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Jack Rapper, Jan Brewer, Mitt Romney, misogynistic remarks
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