Donald Trump Mocks Clinton For Shouting And Playing Her Woman's Card

By R. Siva Kumar - 29 Apr '16 14:24PM

Republican front-runner Donald Trump slams Hillary Clinton for "shouting" when she addressed female voters Tuesday night. He said that he had yet to "recover" from having heard her yells. He also mentioned her defense of playing her "woman's card" during her victory address.

"I haven't quite recovered -- it's early in the morning -- from her shouting that message," Trump said early Wednesday on MSNBC, after sweeping all the five primary states that voted in Tuesday's polls.

Clinton had said Tuesday night: "If fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal pay is 'playing the woman card,' then deal me in!"

Trump agreed that he had used "gendered terms" when he talked about her shouting.

"I know a lot of people would say you can't say that about a woman because of course a woman doesn't shout," Trump said. "But the way she shouted that message was not -- oh, I just -- that's the way she said it."

"I guess I'll have to get used to a lot of that over the next four or five months," he added.

He had slammed her use of the "woman's card" in her campaign.

"I think the only card she has is the woman's card," the billionaire said from his headquarters at Trump Tower. "She has nothing else going. Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she would get five percent of the vote."

"The only thing she has got going is the woman's card," Trump said. "The beautiful thing is, women don't like her. Look how well I did with women tonight."

Just behind him, Mary Pat Christie, wife of his New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, was caught looking disdainful by Twitter.

In fact, last month, her husband Chris Christie was also captured "staring off into the distance" even as Trump essayed his victory speech. Christie looked so glazed, that a number of comments were spawned on social media, wondering whether the New Jersey governor was being "held hostage" by the whole campaign.

Meanwhile, Trump was far off the mark on his charm with women. As one commentator put it: "Poll after poll has shown that female voters really don't like Trump. Gallup found this month that 70 percent of women have an unfavorable view of him. In March, Reuters and Ipsos found that half of American women have a "very unfavorable" view of Trump. Suffolk and USA Today recently found him at 66 percent unfavorable among women. (Unsurprisingly, he does better among Republican women than women overall.)"

His remarks also work against him and give Clinton a bonus. Even if women don't exactly love her, they will vote for her because they hate her opponent more. And that is definitely a big woman's card in her favor.


TAGSDonald Trump, Clinton, Woman's Card, Chris Christie, Mary Pat Christie
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