Calorie Information to Be Added by Subway Across All Menus in U.S.

By Kanika Gupta - 06 Apr '16 15:47PM

Subway will rework on its menu board to now display calorie detail for all menu items. This is a welcome change after health experts have requested the food industry to give the consumers more information about the food they eat.

The customers will be able to see the information on the menus starting April 11. This update for Subway came ahead of FDA mandate for large restaurant chains to include calorie information on their menus.

"We want consumers to know the calorie value of our sandwiches and salads," said Lanette Kovachi, global dietitian for Subway, in a statement.

Restaurant chains have acknowledged the benefits of including calorie information on their menus, as some companies are moving ahead of others to make the change. Even though FDA believes that this information will empower the customers to make an informed, healthy choice, numerous reports predict that it will not alter the consumer behavior significantly.

As more American consumers are moving towards making healthier food choices, Subway's menu change step reassures the chain's belief in nutritional food. Only recently, Subway made headlines when they became the first company to add antibiotic-free chicken sandwich to their food menu. In the recent years, to make its food more nutritious, they added spinach and avocado options to their toppings over the years. Another claim made by the company in line with their vow to be a healthy food option, they pledged to only use cage-free eggs by 2025.

The only problem with the ingenuous plan of adding calorie information to Subway menu is that their sandwich is not standard. People are known to customize their sandwiches which means that the calorie information may not always be relevant.

TAGSSubway, Subway sandwich, food label, Food and Drug Administration
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