Donald Trump Says President Obama is “Lucky” for not having him as an Opponent in 2012

By Cheri Cheng - 17 Feb '16 12:41PM

Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner, has responded to President Barack Obama's Tuesday night prediction that he "will not be president."

Trump, who is known for his outlandish comments, directly responded to the President during his rally at Beaufort, South Carolina by stating, "You're lucky I didn't run last time when [Mitt] Romney ran because you would have been a one-term president."

The real estate mogul also attacked the work that President Obama has done during his two terms.

"He has done such a lousy job as president," Trump said. "You look at our budgets. You look at our spending. We can't beat ISIS. Obamacare is terrible. We're going to terminate it. We're going to absolutely terminate and replace it. I mean you look at everything. Our borders are like Swiss cheese."

Trump's insults did not end with the rally. On Wednesday, Trump tweeted, "Interesting how President Obama so haltingly said I "would never be president" - This from perhaps the worst president in U.S. history!"

Obama had said during his press conference, "I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president and the reason is that I have a lot of faith in the American people. Being president is a serious job. It's not hosting a talk show, or a reality show. The American people are pretty sensible, and I think they'll make a sensible choice in the end."

Obama is not the only president that Trump believes has done a bad job. Trump previously blasted George W. Bush for starting the mess in the Middle East.

Trump has also being busy attacking FOX News via Twitter. He called the news outlet "so biased it is disgusting." Lindsey Graham, the senator of South Carolina, who dropped out of the Republican presidential race, had gone on FOX News to say that Trump will lose against Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.

TAGSDonald Trump, President, Barack Obama, Fox News, Lindsay Graham, republican, campaign, election
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