5 Of The Top Natural Foods For Healthy, Glowing Skin

By Deepthi B - 01 Oct '15 08:52AM

What's in the inside is what reflects on the outside. All it takes is a healthy start from within. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, exercise regularly, and ensure a good night's rest - that's pretty much all you need to do for a healthy lifestyle, a healthy you and for healthy skin!

A diet rich in antioxidants (vitamins such as A, C, E, and B, minerals such as selenium, manganese, zinc and carotenoids) is your passport to natural healthy looking skin. Fresh fruits, vegetables and other natural foods are hoarded with these essential nutrients, remarks BBC Good Food. Why splurge on exuberant skin cosmetics, when all you need to do is a quick visit to your nearest supermarket. Here is what you need to pick!


Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Foods rich in vitamin C such as kiwis, oranges, papayas, brocolli, berry family etc stimulates collagen synthesis that helps control wrinkles and keeps your skin well hydrated. Well hydrated skin reduces the appearance of age-related dry skin that can occur later in life.

Nuts and Seeds


Nuts such as almonds and walnuts and seeds such as the sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds etc are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and loaded with Vitamin E. Our body is incapable of producing these vital fatty acids, and these nuts enriches our skin with these essential oils.

Green Tea


A cup of green tea every day is good therapy for your skin. Packed with rich antioxidants it helps in reducing acne and enhances your skin to look younger and healthier. A dash of juice from a citrus fruit into your green tea, further boosts its skin enhancing properties.

Green Leafy Vegetables


Greens such as spinach, kale, arugula and Swiss chard contains a significant carotenoid namely the beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant instrumental in improving skin texture. It facilitates skin cell development and promotes a healthy radiant blemish-free complexion, cleansed from the inside out.



Pomegranates are predominantly one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits and they contain a host of nutritious vitamins and minerals. It boosts up your blood supply and stimulates the production of collagen while keeping skin hydrated. It is stockpiled with a nutrient called ellagic acid which promotes healing and renewing of damaged skin.

TAGSNatural Foods, fruits, vegetables, antioxidants, Healthy Skin, Glowing Skin, green tea, Nuts and Seeds
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