Now, A Vaccine for Hypertension In The Making

By Peter R - 27 May '15 20:05PM

A new vaccine which lowered hypertension in rats could help millions of people around the world stop taking the daily pill to control high blood pressure.

According to The Times of India, the DNA vaccine created by Hironori Nakagami and his team at Osaka University helped lowered blood pressure in hypertensive rats for six months and also reduced heart tissue damage. High pressure is caused when blood vessels constrict and stress the heart to work harder. The hormone angiotensin II has been implicated in high blood pressure, which the vaccine targets.

The vaccine works by targeting the hormone and eventually causing blood vessels to relax and lower blood pressure, also reducing the stress on the heart consequently.

Nakagami reportedly said that the vaccine could be a boon for people whose condition does not respond well to medication. Besides having its intended benefits, the vaccine does not cause any side-effects and can keep blood pressure normal for several months.

The study is published in American Heart Association Rapid Access Journal Report.

TAGSDNA, Hypertension, blood pressure, high BP, vaccine, BP vaccine, high blood pressure, Heart
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