Overwatch Update, Speculations: What Do Players Know About Terry Crews' Rumored Character Doomfist

By Ike - 20 Dec '16 04:40AM

News has recently come out that "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" actor Terry Crews has shown interest in voicing a character in Overwatch and he has also made a visit to the Blizzard headquarters - sparking numerous rumors that he could be playing an unannounced hero called Doomfist.

So far, very little is known about the character, but fans do get to see his weapon in the Overwatch cinematic trailer which features two young boys as they witness a fight break out between Winston, Tracer, Widowmaker, and Reaper.

Doomfist is said to be so powerful that he could "level a skyscraper" and his weapon seems to be easy enough to wield as it can be activated by a child (in the short clip). Some have pointed out that Doomfist could actually be the mastermind behind the terrorist group Talon, which Reaper, Widowmaker, and Sombra apparently work for.

The title of Doomfist also isn't exclusive to one person, as it falls to anybody who is wielding the weapon. So far, Overwatch has little hints on the character himself with multiple posters of the hero/villain's museum exhibit popping up around the Numbani map. What's more, the character's affiliations are shrouded in mystery as the poster is tagged with "Savior or Scourge?"

If Overwatch players also take a closer look at the payload in Numbani, they will also notice that the very thing that they're escorting in the game is the very same gauntlet of Doomfist that they could see in the cinematic trailer.

So far, nothing has been confirmed about Doomfist from Blizzard or Crews himself, but fans are already going crazy with the speculation online. Crews himself has said that he would "LOVE TO PLAY DOOMFIST" on Reddit. Hopefully Blizzard sheds more light on the meeting sometime early next year. It may be possible that Crews would be voicing a whole new character different from Doomfist.

Overwatch is now available to play in PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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