Star Wars Battlefront: Scarif DLC News And Updates: 15 Minutes Of In-game Footage Showcase Planet From 'Rogue One'

By Hugo Diaz - 07 Dec '16 01:00AM

"Star Wars Battlefront" will be getting its final DLC with the upcoming "Scarif" expansion, and it will put players in the middle of the new jungle planet that will be introduced in the upcoming "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." 15 minutes of in-game footage has been posted online, and fans get a first look at the new missions and terrain that will be available in the expansion.

The Star Wars Battlefront DLC video was posted up by IGN, and it gives players a look at how the game is played on the side of the Rebellion. The expansion seems to be split into three parts; the first part of the mission will involve a space battle where players have to escort the U-Wing into the planet through a small passageway (the entire planet is covered by a shield). The second part deals with an assault on the Imperial camps where players have to form a distraction in order to get more Rebel troops into the area. The last part will have players trying to retrieve the data tapes on the Death Star and delivering them to the Rebellion.

Two new heroes will be available for the "Scarif" expansion. The rebels will get to use Felicity Jones' character Jyn Erso and the Imperials will be able to use Ben Mendelsohn's Director Krennic. The game is already available for season pass holders who have been uploading videos and analysis on the new heroes.

According to BattlefrontUpdates on Youtube, Jyn Erso is very physical on the field, and she wields two different types of weapons that players can alternate within the game. She can also charge up for an alternate weapon that could be similar to a flashbang which can blind enemies as well as weaken ther armor.

Director Krennic is said to be more of a defensive hero. He has a gun very similar to a revolver as it only fires six rounds; he also has the ability to summon a black astromech droid which emits a shield and deadly pulse wave. Krennic can also summon Deathtroopers into the battlefield, and they can deal very heavy damage to any opposing forces.

The Star Wars Battlefront: Scarif DLC may be available for season pass holders now, but everyone else can purchase it when it's released on Dec. 20.

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