Aliens Flying Above Newton Abbot; UFO Sightings Lead To 'Alien Spot'

By Erika Ivene - 06 Dec '16 05:10AM

In the past few weeks, there have been numerous UFO sightings that occured both on Earth and around the sun. Do these massive and successive incidents of UFO's showoff imply something bigger than just oridnary sighting? Can they be leading the way to a more astonishing breakthrough, like aliens' spot on Earth?

A progressive UFO photographer, James Mooner, has sent several UFO photos to the Torquay Herald Express to show proof that these unidentified objects are rampant in Newton Abbot, report says. According to the report, Mooner has regularly fed and sent them with new UFO sightings in the area, claiming that Newton Abbot may actually have a "hotspot" for aliens.

Newton Abbot is a small and quiet town in Devon, England. This is the reason why even the slightest difference to the norm will be observed and since UFOs are nothing small, they have invited even more people to be interested in questioning these incidents. And UFO sightings in this town is not rare, it has happened many times in the past, shares Plymouth Herald.

Aliens for real?

These numerous and continuous sightings of UFO in the small town lead people and even experts to think that there may be a spot for aliens, as per HNGN report. This "hotspot" could be something that feeds their interest that makes them coming back or that it could really be where they really reside.

According to the witnesses and to the photos shared by Mooner, the UFOs looked like flying saucers with an "alien holding a device." Mooner and the other residents in the area are convinced that these UFOs are aliens. However, UFOs remain to be unidentified until proven and physically observed by the experts.

NASA still has no further explanations on the current UFO sightings around the globe. But they have been religious in creating ways to detect these objects. For sure, they will be sharing their further studies and conclusions the moment they come up with one.

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