'The Walking Dead' Season 7 Episode 5 Recap, Daryl & Rick Morse Code Decoded, Could Be Key To Wipe Out 'The Saviors'

By Rita Mendoza - 19 Nov '16 16:36PM

A scene in last Sunday's episode of "The Walking Dead" where Negan reunited with Rick, the Alexandrians along with Daryl who is chained by the Savior returning for a visit.

Spoiler Alert! The following content contains spoilers from episode four of "The Walking Dead" Season 7.

The last Sunday's episode of "The Walking Dead" included a brief moment in a scene with Daryl and Rick talking with Negan and the Alexandrians where Daryl seemed to be blinking as if there was something stuck in his eyes. The moment may be easy to miss considering his puffy eyes and messy hair, but may also be done on purpose for fans to miss the clue. But, fans with keen sixth sense spotted Daryl communicating with Rick using Morse code.

Daryl's Morse Code Decoded

While the recent "The Walking Dead" episode shows Daryl sending some kind of Morse code to Rick, to decode it is quite difficult. The good thing is that some fans decoded it, and believe that there are two possible hints. First, the morse code could mean "I East" which could be the direction where the Savior outpost is located. Then, the second theory is "HT" which could mean HillTop, a possible location of the Savior outpost as well. In any case, both are hinting the location of the Savior outpost which could pave the way to rescuing Daryl and ultimately wiping out the Saviors.

"The Walking Dead" fans think that the theory is plausible since there was a story line in the fifth season where fans remember Carol teaching Daryl basic Morse code while they were looking for Beth. While some were unable to find the particular scene while they were in search of Beth, other fans seem to be convinced that such a scene exists.

In the final scene of "The Walking Dead" series, Rick is seen watching the truck as it leaves his camp while Daryl stares at Rick quite meaningfully. But, the view of the scene was at the back of Daryl's head so there is no way of proving that Daryl sent another Morse code. If Daryl really communicated with Rick via Morse code, fans will know in "The Walking Dead" episodes to come.

Catch new episodes of "The Walking Dead" Season 7 every Sunday at 9:00PM on FOX.

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