Uncharted News & Updates: Stranger Things' Director Is In For The PlayStation’s Uncharted Movie!

By Lei Pearson - 28 Oct '16 01:34AM

Naughty Dog's Uncharted Collection made a real noise all over the gaming world, adding the fact that it is a PlayStation exclusive, it is completely remarkable. For the gamers' record, a successful game comes with an inevitable movie production. Now, Sony is planning to get Stranger Things' executive producer Shawn Levy hop in.

         According to CNet, Shawn Levy directed the "Night at the Museum" films, "Real Steel" and a remake of "The Pink Panther" before his huge bust, on Netflix's original, "Stranger Things".

         Going back on previous events when Sony had experienced e-mail leakage. On April 2015, as per GameSpot, Columbia Pictures Senior Vice President, Jonathan Kadin compared or took inspiration on Nicolas Cage's National Treasure, "National Treasure is certainly a fun movie with an engaging historical mystery (and Uncharted can deliver on those elements), but the action sequences are softer, mostly wide shots and very little physical mano-a-mano fights, gunfire, or up close intensity," he said.

         IGN says that this might not be as sure as it looks, because since then, the movie was settled in pending due to director's conflicts and mishaps. Another factor is that the Stranger Things is along the way on its second or sophomore season. That may be Uncharted movie's boulder. Nevertheless, if they would pursue this or not, the gaming world will absolutely look forward on this.

         On our previously writer article, we cited few 'lit' PlayStation exclusive games, and not a surprise, Uncharted is one of them. See PS4 Games Update, Review: Best PlayStation Exclusive Games That Would Make You Love Your PS4 More.

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