Stressed Out? Washing Dishes Soothes and Calms Nerves

By Kanika Gupta - 30 Sep '15 12:14PM

There is a very good reason for you now to stop arguing about who would do the dishes! You may feel tempted to leave the dished behind, piling in sink until next morning but the scientists believe that its helps you release stress and it is actually healthy to do house chores, as reported by Daily Mail.

A recent study revealed that the people who maintain focus on the dishes and carefully planning their actions feel less stressed. This finding came as a result of Florida State University who wanted to know the effects of washing up in improving the emotional wellbeing. The dish washing activity can prove to be a convenient detox for an overworked mind, said Wall Street Journal. The study also revealed that when you shift your attention to the soap smell and the feel of washing dishes, it can actually help you release much of your pent up stress in a healthy way. Since the activity promotes mindfulness, it offers increased mental stimulation as compared to control group experiments.

The journal "Mindfulness" reveals that dish washing can actually help act as a brain cleanser too. The researchers involved in this experiment asked the group to focus on the dishwashing experience, the shape of the dishes, the feel of the suds, smell of the soap etc. The group that studied about Mindfulness actually reported being less nervous after completing the job, whereas the control group did not feel any difference as such. The control group was not told about the journal but were only given a short message that asked them to finish the job correctly, said Today.

UPI reported that when mindfulness is coupled with housework, it can make a person happier and less stressed.

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