Body Part Predicts Men's Ability to Love- and It's NOT What You Think It Is

By Maria Slither - 26 Feb '15 12:04PM

Is it length or girth that makes intimacy enjoyable? According to science, it's length- a man's finger length that is. Researchers found that a man's hand reveals numerous things (or traits) about him.  So... next time you need to choose between Mr. Right and Mr. Wrong- choose the man with the right fingers. It's science- so you best believe it!

Lead researcher D.S. Moskowitz, a psychologist at McGill University in Quebec said that men whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are generally more gentlemanly. These guys also treat their women with more respect and affection, according to researchers. Men with longer ring fingers are also believed to less aggressive.

Researchers said the findings suggest that difference in width between the ring finger and the index finger may also reveal how fatherly and harmonious a man will be as a dad and lover.

The study published in the March 2015 issue of the journal Personality and Individual Differences labeled men's ring finger as 4D and the index finger as 2D. The ratio or difference between these two fingers is said to be the result of a fetus' exposure to androgen, a male hormone that dictates personality traits.

Among the 155 participants, 30 percent of participants who had longer ring fingers were found to be "more agreeable" in interactions set by researchers in the experiment.

The latest findings are supported by previous studies, according to researchers. Research reveals that the 2D:4D ratio can also be used to predict traits like penis size, facial attractiveness, SAT performance and risk of getting prostate cancer, according to Live Science.

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Andrology linked smaller 2D:4D ratios to longer penis size. Researchers explain that this length phenomenon could be the result of testosterone exposure in the womb.

Handsome men involved in a 2011 study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B also tend to have shorter index fingers. Scientists found that women preferred men with caveman like faces or those with shorter upper faces like Will Smith and Brad Pitt.

Meanwhile, a shorter index finger is also linked to a higher score in the SAT exam, according to Yahoo News. Researcher noted that this finding from a 2007 study published in the British Journal of Psychology, applies to both men and women. 

TAGSman's finger length, relationships, treating women, penis size, hormones
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