Premature Baby Still Jarred in Amniotic Sac Delivered in Extremely Rare Birth [See Pics]

By Peter R - 25 Feb '15 14:04PM

What was to be an emergency c-section for experienced hands at the at Cedars-Senai Medical Center turned into an experience of a lifetime after doctors helped deliver a premature baby with an intact amniotic sac!

According to Daily Mail, Silas Phillips was born three months premature at 26 weeks inside the sac which the doctors were able to extract intact when they performed c-section on his mother. Such births are said to be extremely rare, with a likelihood of 1 in 80,000 births.

"It was a moment that really did, even though its a cliche: we caught our breath. It really felt like a moment of awe. This was really a moment that will stick in my memory for some time," neonatologist William Binder told CBS Local. Binder helped deliver the baby but not before capturing a quick photograph of the baby with its limbs pressed against the sac. He was breathing for a short while through the sac before doctors recovered him to get his lungs working.

Despite being born premature, Silas, who is now 10 weeks old, is said to be doing very well. His mother was initially unaware that her baby was special, given his birth circumstances. The amniotic sac consists of mainly water and cushions the baby. It breaks during childbirth.

TAGSPremature baby, amniotic sac, C-section, miracle baby, delivery, Pregnancy, placenta
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