80 Percent of British Women Don't Bathe Everyday, Hygiene Survey

By R. Siva Kumar - 24 Feb '15 07:54AM

There is some new study on bathing. Not what baths can do, but what happens when they are not taken by most of the women in UK. The British women may neither bathe nor take a shower everyday out of fatigue says new research, according to independent.co. 

As many as one in three women out of the 2,000 interviewed agree that they have not washed or wiped their faces or bodies at all for as long as three days. Almost 57 per cent of the women interviewed acknowledge that hygiene is important, but they do not have the time to bathe before bedtime, preferring to just use some wipes.

However, the NHS emphasized the importance of maintaining a fundamental level of hygiene, for which everyone should wash their faces and brush their teeth everyday, clean their hands after using the toilet, wash their genitals and anal regions regularly and completely bathe or shower at least twice every week.

Conducted by skin care range Flint + Flint, the survey of 2,021 women aged between 18 to 50 years, according to dailymail.com,showed that over 60 per cent of the women did not clean up their makeup before they slept after a night out, while 35 per cent of the women said that they were worried about not getting enough sleep.

Only a fifth of the women confessed to taking a shower or bath daily, while over 30 percent denied that they washed for three days at a stretch.

The women were aware of the value of hygiene and skin care. About 92 per cent of them seemed to have understood the importance of a skin care regime, recognizing that both sleeplessness as well as dehydration can impact their skin.

The survey caused anxiety and alarm in Flint + Flint owner, Maxine Flint. "We were alarmed to hear about the amount of women not looking after their skin by following basic skin care regimes.  It is so important to clean your face daily and moisturise to slow down the ageing process."

"It's true that today's pace of life is fast but surely as a nation we haven't become too busy to wash!"

TAGSBritish women, uk, bathe, shower, washed or wiped, hygiene, NHS, Flint + Flint
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