For Privacy AT&T Will Charge You $29 Per Month

By Kamal Nayan - 20 Feb '15 13:47PM

AT&T has launched a new super-fast Internet service for just $70 per month but you will be charged extra if you want additional privacy.

AT&T's new GigaPower service - aimed to compete directly with Google Fiber - is available in cities like Austin, Texas and Kansas City for just $70 but the catch is, in opting for the plan users agree to allow AT&T track Internet browsing through the use of a program called Internet Preferences.

However, users can opt out of the monitoring and for that they will be charged another $29 a month.

In most of the cases customers would like not to share browsing history with the advertising and marketing companies. Also this is the first time an Internet Service Provider has directly taken steps to gather valuable marketing information from its customers - and essentially charged those same customers for opting out of this data gathering, SMN Weekly noted.

Why pay more money for Internet privacy is the question that every expert has been asking after AT&T announced the plans.

 "Privacy should be the default setting, not the premium setting. What's next, will we be charged for the air we breathe?" said Adam Levin, founder of the online privacy and theft recovery service Identity Theft 911,

TAGSAT&T, privacy, charge, fiber, Internet
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