German waiter breaks world beer-carrying record by carrying 27 full mugs

By Staff Reporter - 08 Sep '14 10:40AM

A typical person might be able to carry two or three beers at a time, but a German man broke the record by carrying 27 beer mugs across a distance of 40 meters.

Oliver Struempfel managed to carry 27 full one-liter beer mugs - or "mass" as they are known in German - over 130 feet.

"I have worked here in the beer tent for the past 17 years, so I have lots of training," Struempfel told Reuters after winning the competition at the local Gillamoos beer festival.

Struempfel admitted that he could not do without "training in a fitness center, especially in winter time." Each mug weighed approximately 5 pounds.

"It is no longer enough to just carry the mugs, but you have to support the training by going to the gym, especially in Winter when you don't get much time carrying the beer mugs," he told Reuters.

Waiter Oliver Struempfel transported the full, 1-litre traditional German mugs with just two hands as he tried to beat his competitor.

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